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Anthony Horowitz is a British writer. His works include the Alex Rider series, Sherlock Holmes and James Bond novels and Foyle’s War for television.

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When I met my husband, I was 26 and he was 25. I rocked a body back then, and so did he. That time was a time of mutual physical admiration, lots and lots of getting

To understand what Frank Deford, who died at 78 this past week, did for professional wrestling, you need to go back to one of his most famous articles, one which

Sorry, but if you wish to partake in The Onion’s unparalleled journalism, you will need to download a browser more capable of basking in the glow of our superior

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I took my son to Paris Fashion Week, and all I got was a profound understanding of who he is, what he wants to do with his life, and how it feels to watch a grown man

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Dec 10, 2012 · Video embedded · The prostitutes on Zurich’s sex mile serve around six men a night, some even up to 30. They often work around 70 hours a week. Most woman are Hungarian

Aug 18, 2009 · Video embedded · OKC, OK — Ride along with Oklahoma’s own Video Vigilante® Brian Bates as he shines a light on the reality of street prostitution in South Oklahoma City.

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LSU football coach Ed Orgeron is an intense, occasionally incomprehensible man. So when he was on Dan Le Batard show’s this morning, he was asked an important

While the Guinness World Records does not recognize penis size, at least one porn company, Vivid, wants to recognize the size of his.

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